Things do not stop on the homestead even when you feel like crap and you think you can't make it another step to go feed and make sure everyone has water and hay. Of course this is the week for the does to start kidding.
Our doe Tassie had triplets. All 3 of them males. Our Nubian buck sired all of the kids being born this month. These 3 are the "Crane" boys. Frasier, Niles and Marty.
Two days later Lacie gave birth to Reba and Daphne. Yea! two girls. They are 3/4 Nubian!
This gives a whole new meaning to the "dog" ate my homework!
Due to our unseasonably warm winter, everything has bloomed earlier than usual.
Almost everyone of the blooms on this Camila bush has a little bee butt sticking out of it.
They fly back to the hive loaded with pollen.
The week before I got sick I did manage to get another hive almost finished along with a few honey supers and two nucs. I painted everything with a pretty blue paint I found at Lowes on the goof shelf. You can pick up $40.00 exterior paint for only $10.00 on the goof shelf. I bought some pale green and pink as well. My hives are going to look like rainbow sherbert! What bees would not want to live in these?
Our winter garden has done great. Just look at these beautiful cabbages we are harvesting. I have almost 2 gallons of sauerkraut in the making.
Most of the turnips weigh over 6 pounds.
We also had a great carrot harvest. Mom and niece help scrape and slice and I canned 14 quart jars of carrots to use in soups, stews and casseroles.
Papa Bear bought grandson his first rifle. A little 22 Crickett. He got to hold it for a few minutes but he has to bring his discipline grade up in school before he gets to learn to shoot. He makes very good grades but tends to be the class clown or so his teacher says.
That's all the news for now. I am waiting on 2 more does to kid. One is acting a little strange today so today may be the day.
Have a great week everyone!
Oh my gosh! You have been busy. I hope you are fully recovered now.
ReplyDeleteAfter reading your post I want to come to your house! All those babies!!! And your winter harvest is fabulous. I've never tried growing things in the winter, but would love to. And I totally agree that Papa Bear needs a badge! Great post.
Red need a Florida vacation...Just bring yourself on down here and you can hug babies 24/7!
DeleteSo sorry to hear about the "sickies" visiting, just about everyone I know has been sick this winter. Ugh!
ReplyDeleteThe babies are so cute! I love goats and wish we had some but can't where we live. Your garden has produced wonderfully, way to go!
Take care and get better soon.
Thanks JMD. Feeling better everyday! I have too much to do to be laid up too many days!
DeleteI sure you feel better soon. A six pound turnip, the colorful hives.
ReplyDeleteThanks Stephen... Guess those turnips liked the goat poop compost!
DeleteMama Bear,
ReplyDeleteYour baby goats are adorable, you have your hands full there!!
LOL, sitting with paper eatting goats makes for a good excuse why one has not turned in homework.
I hear you when talking about strange weather, it's confused all of the plants, flowers and bushes. Beautiful Camila flowers!
I love the color you painted your bee boxes, what is the name of that color? It's a beautiful blue, very relaxing/calming.
Holly cow.....beautiful and I mean beautiful looking vegetables, what did you do to get them so big? Is the secret the goat poop compost?
Looks like your grandson loves his new gun, and Papa Bear picked out a great motivator to stop grandson from being the class clown. My son would do the absolute same thing, we motivated him with a gun also. It made a world of difference because at the time it was a big boy item.
Thanks Sandy....All of the does are good Mama's and have plenty of milk. I did bring Sugar's boys in for one night as they seemed weak. Her teats are so long it takes a day for the kids to learn to latch on but they are fine now.
DeleteI put a lot of goat poop in the garden and tilled it in. I think I fertilized with triple 8 twice and that is all I did. The chickens also used this garden area for a few months in between gardening so the ground is getting better.
I thought that was some of the goof paint I bought from Lowes but it is actually some interior/exterior paint I had left over after painting my kitchen chairs. I got it from Walmart it is called Pacific Seacoast.
I do hope the gun idea works for grandson. He is a good kid. The teacher has asked my daughter if he's been tested for ADHD. She said no and she wasn't going to. He's just an energetic boy. I'm glad daughter stood her ground. I personally do not believe in drugging the kids just so they sit like little zombies in the classroom.
Congtratulations on the new arrivals. Hope you all are starting to feel better.
ReplyDeleteThanks GS...I am feeling better, just weaker than usual. The Marine has a hoarse voice today so I imagine he now has the mess. I started him on some antibiotics. I may call his doctor for a steroid shot for him or see if daughter can bring one home from her office.
Deleteoh Mamma - i am so sorry that you have been sick and i hope that you are feeling 100% when you read this! your babies are all is your nephew! i am glad that some family is helping with the Marine! your garden harvest is beautiful - i am crying over those gorgeous cabbage (have you ever made turmeric cabbage? just slice the cabbage into strips, cook them quickly in some butter and add a big tablespoon of turmeric. it's delicious! so is sauerkraut - yummeh!). i think Papa really needs a badge - oh and don't tell him but he's pretty gorgeous!
ReplyDeleteall our best to you and yours - with a special thanks to that awesome Marine! your friends,
kymber and jambaloney and Papa Bear are feeling better but sad to say our Marine seems to be coming down with it now.
DeleteI will try your cabbage recipe too. I did make a stir fry with cabbage, onions, carrots ans smoked sausage a few days ago. It was so good. I also made fresh coleslaw with cabbage, carrots, onions and dill relish. All homegrown stuff except for the mayo. I was too busy to make any of that homemade.
I was so glad to see you comment on another blog and this one. I was worried you were having a terrible blizzard there on your island. Stay warm and safe my friends!
Congrats on all the new baby goats, sure wish you had a better ratio bucks to does, but they all look cute and healthy. When I brought the Dorpers down from top pasture last night I did not take headcount again, today my daughter was here and I looked up in the pasture and there was a ewe with a single lamb, that's 3 singles now last couple weeks, 2 rams and 1 ewe. All three are good size so I don't mind them being singles. Shetlands and Angoras should be lambing and kidding soon.
ReplyDeleteTL...I saw your new kids. They are so cute. One of my does are 1/2 Boer. I bred her to our Nubian in hopes of a good cross breed but keep getting short stubby offspring's. I think there may be some pygmy in her genes. Was not going to breed her this last time but buck broke through fencing so we are awaiting more kids. She has 3 and 4 when she kids.