To say we've been so busy we didn't know if we should scratch our watch or wind our butts would be an understatement. Never in my life will I ever again allow 14 does to be bred in a two week period. Thank God 3 of the 14 didn't get pregnant. We still have one more doe who should give birth around the 18th. So far we have 6 sets of twins, 2 sets of triplets and 2 single births. Eight does and twelve bucks so far.
Papa Bear was so tired he laid down in one of the stalls that wasn't occupied at the moment and fell asleep.
Goofy Lacie wants to know if she can have the stall when the big blue thing is finished.
Lacie had two beautiful does. One is solid black. We have never had a solid colored kid before now.
I had to take her in and show her to the Marine
All of the kidding went well except for the last one. I thought we were going to lose the kid and doe. She is a first time freshener. The kid had one leg folded back and the does pelvic area was too small for me to get my hand in far enough to release the leg. I even tried to push the kid back in to reposition it and that didn't work. Our vet has moved and is over a hour and a half away from us so there was no need in even calling. The kids tongue started turning black, the doe was weak and screaming I knew I had to do something. When the doe gave a couple of more weak pushes I held around the kid behind the leg showing and pulled down on the kid as hard as I could and got him out.

The doe was very weak and showed no interest in the new kid. I got both of them cleaned up, gave the doe a shot of pen G in case of infection and then took the new kid around to a couple of does that had recently given birth hoping to adopt it out but had no takers. I finally got one doe to stand still and let it nurse for a moment. I even rubbed some of her milk all over him hoping to get her to take him in but she was having none of it. I finally took the kid in the house and put him on a towel in a laundry basket and set him by my side of the bed. I don't have any fresh colostrum in the freezer so I still have to go back out to the barn and wrestle a new mama to get milk for the new kid. That was fun! I finally got enough for a few bottles if I needed it. I am glad the kid only woke once during the night wanting milk. The next day I took the kid back out to her. To begin with I held her in order for him to nurse but now she has accepted him. She doesn't do a very good job of cleaning him yet so I am still having to wipe his butt several times a day so it doesn't become plugged. The does vagina is very swollen. I can't tell if it's a prolapse or not. I am rubbing Preparation H ointment on it to get the swelling down and will continue with the antibiotics twice a day. If it continue to look bad I will treat it like a prolapsed rectum which I have treated before. You do the same for a vagina or rectum.This week has had several cold and frosty nights but everyone is doing well. The kids only have a few hours of shaky legs and then leap around like they have springs on their feet.

They are so joyful to be alive and a joy to watch.

Triplets and such an attentive doe.
Springtime.....So close! I think we have had our final frost.
Our Camellia Bush is in full bloom.
Almost every bloom has a honeybee in it.
Magnolia Jane busted out in full bloom. I haven't noticed any bees on this one.
I still have not planted the apple trees.
The little piggies are venturing out further into the pen.
When they hear Mama grunt or huff, they run scurrying back to their nest. They are too funny and look like they have doubled in size in a weeks time.
The pear tree blossoms made it through the last freeze. We may
actually have pears this year! Hang tight everyone. Spring is just
around the corner.
Live and learn on the goats, I guess. (Aren't MOST things?) lol
ReplyDeleteGS,I thought by now we would be in the new barn with plenty of room and stall space. Breeding most of the does during the same time period seemed a good idea at the time. Something must have snatched my brain that week or two.
Deleteoh you have been a busy mama bear. Glad to hear you got the one kid out....I am learning so much from you. : )
ReplyDeleteGlock Mom, that is exactly how I have learned....through other peoples disasters! Most births go very well with no problems. Two of the does had them during the night. I found the does and kids the next morning while feeding and they were just fine. Several of the does were a few days early and one was 4 days late. I had 3 that actually delivered on their due date.
DeleteGlad you saved the little one!!! I am jealous of your blooms though :(
ReplyDeleteAll we got so far are buds...
The piggies are looking good though.
PP...It was touch and go on them for awhile. The doe did not eat all of her grain today. Don't know what's up with that.
DeleteLots of blooms on the shrubs and some wildflowers. love these little piggies!
How wonderful! Sorry you're all so tired, but watching the newbies I'm sure makes it worth it! Stay dry, as I hear you could get up to 5" in the panhandle (I'm guessing that's about where you are).
ReplyDeleteThanks Izzy. Yes, we are in the panhandle. We are under flash flood watch until Monday evening. Possible tornadoes. Just what we need with all of these new critters. Heavy wind gusts now. Blowing everything that's not tied down.
DeleteMamma Bear,
ReplyDeleteI'm finally getting to all the blogs now that I've returned home.
You've been oh so busy......................
Poor Papa Bear, he must of been exhausted to have fallen asleep in the barn :-)
It's great news to hear all your new babies are doing well. I love seeing pictures of new babies. I bet the Marine was happy to see the new little ones too. Please tell him his friends from Oklahoma send warm hugs and smiles his way :-)
Hubby and I are so jealous, you have beautiful flowers blooming, and comfortable temperatures. It's still in the low 30's here, windy, and a few snow flakes falling.
Sandy...Nice to have you home. I hope you and Mom had a good visit even though you worked most of the time.
DeleteIt was sad and funny when Papa Bear fell asleep and started snoring but he's been known to fall asleep in stranger situations!
We have had some 30's at night but I think they are finished now. Will give the Marine your hugs! He gets lots of those you know!...hahahah
Poor Papa bear, he is wore out, lol!!!!
ReplyDeleteThe piglets are getting so big!!! I can't even imagine the cuteness at your place right now. You are blessed with babies. Hope you find time to soak it all in and enjoy :)
Kelly...There are so many babies I am getting them mixed up. The only ones I can tell for sure are the ones that are pigs and the ones that are kids!...bahahaha I am remedying that today. I just ordered ID bands from Jeffers. They can wear those things until I learn who belongs to who.
DeleteMan, I don't check your blog for a few days and everything happens! Hope you guys get some rest soon.
ReplyDeleteThanks Rachel...I had a brief conversation with Keith on Homesteading today. It just has not slowed down here. Hope all is well in your neck of the woods!