Friday, March 30, 2012

Vertical Strawberry Garden Part 2

I got all of the strawberries planted and on the rack.  I ended up with 14 plants as a couple of the pots had two plants.  I just took an old knife and sliced the soil in between the plants to separate them.  I planted some cucumber seed in the end containers so they will trail down the sides of the rack.  I am thinking of adding another row at the bottom and attempt some loose leaf lettuce.  I think the strawberries will give them just enough shade.  If it doesn't work I will just have more pots for strawberries or maybe herbs.

 They already look happy in their new home!  Now I need to tell my neighbors to drink more milk and tea.   I need about 22 more jugs!


  1. I have been reading and intrigued by the vertical gardening for some time now and wanted to do some vertical and container gardening this year.

    The strawberries look great! I am suprised though you did not just use the lattic fence :)

    1. I did not even think of using the fence. I guess I could slice the jugs handle and try to see if it would hang on the fence. Actually I have some big bleach bottles that would not hang on the rack right. Maybe I'll try those. Thanks for the idea!

  2. Mamma - drive around early on garbage day and gather empty jugs then. jambaloney used to do it all the time back in the city! the strawberries are looking great!

    your friend,

    1. kymber....I live 45 minutes from town so unless I am running errands I would never get to collect jugs. A few people on the main road here have garbage pick-up but I am afraid if I stopped and dug through their garbage, they would shoot and ask questions later....LOL

  3. Looks great! Will have to point some of my readers this way as several have been interested in container gardening.

    1. Thanks Phelan... I had to take the lids off today to drain. Of course we had 2 inches of rain on the day I set them out!

  4. Thats a great idea! I am getting out some lumber from the barn tomorrow and make one, would look great on the side of the house thanks!

  5. Kim...I'm glad you like it... Doesn't take that long to throw one together. I just hope it works for my strawberries!

  6. Very clever! I cannot wait to try this! Thank you for sharing!

  7. I love it! thanks for new ideas
