Friday, May 23, 2014

Remembering our Heroes

Have a safe Memorial Weekend my friends.  We will be attending a flag retirement ceremony and picnic with the VFW on Monday.

Thanks for the replies and emails wondering if we were ok. I will try to do a post next week.  We have been extremely busy when we weren't flooded in!

Please watch this video Mansions in honor of our fallen heroes.


  1. Mama Bear,
    I'm so happy to see you. I've been a little worried not having heard from you in awhile. I'm glad to hear that all is well. This time of year it seems that everyone is so busy just trying to get everything done as soon as possible. Flooded in? There's a story right there.
    Take care and hugs to The Marine for me,

    1. Thank you Sci....It's been work, work and more work. Garden is pretty much a failure. Gonna wait and do a fall. Water has dried on the road but the county still has a lot of repairing to do. One of the back roads is still down to one lane. Our bottom acreage has never flooded until last year and it is still slightly underwater as well as the east side of my greenhouse. What a mess. I didn't want to do a post on all gloom and doom but this spring has not been good at all!

  2. Mamma Bear,

    I'm happy to hear you and yours are all okay. What's with this weather? We've been getting all kinds of rain this evening and expecting more. I won't complain because we need it but I wish it would come in slow and gently not rain cats and dogs.

    Be safe, and have a wonderful Memorial Day. Please give the Marine a hug, and salute from an Oklahoma friend.
    Sending hugs and love to you and yours.

    1. Sandy...the rain has been terrible. We had 13 inches in less than 24 hours. No where for it to go. The goats hate to get wet so I had 22 babies and 14 does all grouchy because they were cooped up in the goat shelters and really not enough room. I will be so glad when we get our big pole barn finished. A fox got my turkey hen the other day. She was nesting and I can't find her eggs to try to salvage them. No good news to report except we are all healthy and well which is a blessing!

  3. Have a nice day!

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