Thursday, November 28, 2013

The coldest Thanksgiving I can remember!

The temperature at 7am under the shed behind our house reads 26 degrees!

The temperature on the front porch read just under 30.

Everything is covered with a hard frost and water in livestock pans is frozen.  We had about 9 hours of freezing temps!

The Marines fur babies just snuggled in deeper when I asked if they wanted to go potty.

The turkey is in the oven.  I use vegetables under the turkey instead of a roasting rack....They are not pretty when the turkey is done but has the most excellent flavor!

Tom turkey was too big for any of my pans!  I had to put another pan under his legs to catch drippings!

The only purchases I made from the store this year was celery, carrots, potatoes and cranberries.  Everything else that will be served is a product of the homestead!  How awesome is that?  We are truly blessed!

Have a blessed, safe and Happy Thanksgiving!  I will later be thankful for some Florida Sunshine!


  1. Enjoy your day. I bet that turkey is awesome.

  2. Thanks DFW...You , hubby and family do the same. The turkey is smelling awesome. Lunch at noon!

  3. Hope you all have a great thanksgiving day. It's cold here as well, down to 19 last night. We will be frying a bird later today with a cajun rub and injection. Hope it turns out good.

    1. Thanks Senior...Guess Florida wasn't a whole lot different from the Carolina's today!

  4. Enjoy your day, hope it warms up a bit ..... was supposed to rain here today ,,... nope .... 70+ degrees, really, really need some rain.

    1. I wish I could send you some TL...I am very sick of the rain we've been having since summer. I think we've had the wettest year on record. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

  5. Happy Thanksgiving Mamma! i hope that you and Papa and The Marine have a lovely day! The Marines babies look so cute all snuggled together!!! i can only imagine how good Tom is going to be - i do the same with my turkey by putting it on veggies - makes for great drippings for gravy.

    oh heck! did someone just say gravy?!?!??!? gravy is my favourite part of Thanksgiving dinner. well, gravy and being thankful for friends.

    your friend,

    1. kymber...I thought of you when I drowned my smashed taters in gravy at lunch today....I almost needed a bowl!

  6. Nice you are roasting that bird. I am just not as fond of the fried ones for some reason. I think it is my love of turkey skin that did it.

    Have a happy Thanksgiving!!!

    1. We had one fried for us one year the day before Thanksgiving and warmed it the next day. I didn't really care for it. Maybe it would have been better fresh rather than warmed up the day after. I know a lot of people are crazy about frying them.
      Happy Thanksgiving!

  7. I'm swinging by a little late in the day; I hope your Thanksgiving was a good one!

    1. Glad you stopped by GS. Hope you had a very blessed day.

  8. Happy Thanksgiving Mamma Bear, Pappa Bear, and especially the Marine. I can't forget the puppies either. Hope your day was wonderful!

    1. Happy belated Thanksgiving K.. Hope you and family had a very blessed day.
