After the massacre of the chickens and turkeys on two separate nights, we have realized how vulnerable our animals and ourselves really are. We have had a big wake up call.
Yesterday we put up two motion sensor lights. I had purchased these a couple of months ago to put on our new barn. They work surprisingly well. They were actually picking us up 50 or 60 feet away. If it detects no other movement, it will turn off in 30 seconds. I ordered 2 more from Harbor Freight last night.
They run off of a small solar panel.
We picked up a cheap wildlife cam from the feed store and Papa Bear set up an old hospital bed frame and hooked the camera to it near the trail something has been traveling. There wasn't a tree nearby. I didn't even ask why he didn't put a post in the ground and mount it to that instead of adding more junk in the back. Sometimes I am good that way.
I did not have the PIR set right on the camera so it is a really bad picture but it did get a shot of something. It is in the bottom center. Brindle in color. It came in just before 1AM. It ate all the snacks Papa Bear left for it and also drug off a dead chicken he had left in the trail. Most of that was ate just in the edge of the woods.
The camera went off again a little after 2 AM. I could not tell anything in this picture. I have changed the PIR so we will see if anything comes tonight and see if the picture quality is any better. Papa Bear put out more "snacks" but it is pouring rain so I don't know if they will be roaming or not. I used to have a great picture editing program on the computer that I may have been able to sharpen these enough to see something but I can't find it. I wonder if it has been accidentally erased?
I took the advice of Glock Mom, Senior and Lotta Joy (thanks guys!) and ordered 2 different types of driveway announcers. I ordered two of each one. One is on back order but I should have 2 of them before the week is out. I also ordered 2 rechargeable spot lights. We should be able to go out onto the back deck and sweep the back with one, the other I will use on the golf cart at night as the lights refuse to work on it now.. Trying to hold a flash light, drive and reach for a weapon just doesn't get it.

For the past few months I have been looking for a full blooded Great Pyrenees. At $600.00 and up plus the cost to have it shipped was way too pricey for us as I could not find one local. Today I was looking on Craigs list and found a male less than 75 miles from me. We had decided not to get each other presents this year and put all the money into the new barn but when I saw this little fellow (he's on the left) I went and found Papa Bear. Merry Christmas to us! Sent the lady a deposit through Paypal and will pick him up on December 23rd. Showed the Marine the picture and told him we were getting him for Christmas. He wants to name him Harley...We'll see if the name fits when we get him.