Thursday, September 20, 2012

Itsy, Bitsy Spider

This spider is at the corner of our fence in the back.  I believe it is a Golden Silk.  She is about half the size of my hand....a really bigggg girl.  Papa Bear ran into the web and it didn't even break.  She came running at him.  I think she thought he was her morning snack......hahahha

 She had an old snack in her web.  I couldn't tell if it was a lizard or praying mantis.  It is mummified.

We started on the winter garden.  With all the rain we've had the weeds were waist high.  We pulled, tilled and raked most of them.  I put down paper feed sacks we've been saving to try to smother any roots and seeds left. Papa Bear brought in and piled up the goat manure compost on top of the bags.   Today I planted onions in the row you see.  We didn't get an early enough start today to beat the heat so we didn't get much done.

This time of year Cypress vines take over anything that is not moving on a regular basis.  I had to tear most of it down to open the garden gate.

It is even over in the Pampas Grass.

Butterflies, bee's and hummingbirds love the bright red blooms on the vine.

The blooms look like little stars.

I don't know what type of bees these are but they never go to the top of the bloom but to the rear.  

I wonder if the nectar is too far back for them to reach from the front and they are somehow getting to it at the bottom of the bloom?

One more of a butterfly.

I must go and get back to the kitchen.  I am making homemade Velveeta Cheese.  It is so easy.  I'll post the recipe in a day or two.  You see that homemade bread and homemade cheese........

It makes a great grilled cheese and a homemade dill pickle is a must to go with it!

Until next time....


  1. NOT FAIR! I was all ready to read your recipe!!! I stopped using margarine to cook my toasted cheese in when I realized margarine is so watery. Now, real butter inside and outside, and it's SO crispy. Yes. My cholesterol is 377.

    1. LJ...I promise to get the recipe posted today! Read below to GS's comment about vitamin E. We take it too. Our cholesterol is OK and we eat real butter too!

  2. Ok - that grill cheese looks awesome. I'm coming over, and I'll bring the Mexican cokes to go with them.

    1. K, I haven't had a Mexican Coke since daughter moved from San Antonio. The grilled cheese would be extra good with one...Y'all come on down!

  3. I'll be waiting on the cheese recipe. Lotta Joy should try 400 IU of Vitamin E daily, if she hasn't yet. It lowered my cholesterol 100 points.

    1. Posting it today GS. Vitamin E really does work. Doc said Papa Bears was high and was going to prescribe a drug, Papa Bear said no what kind of vitamin should he rake instead and he was told E.

  4. Ya You should suffer some kinda blogger penalty for not posting the recipe. Hmmmmmm

    You must run around with rabbit ears like Kymber (But not naked) and take various pictures of your place with your rabbit ears casting a shadow in them.

    One of the pics must include an open bee hive :)

    1. haha...I am posting it and I want you to tell me when you or Mrs PP make it!

      I don't have bunny ears but I might could find my antenna's with golden balls at the end, They were from my Martian costume from Halloween about 30 years ago....Oh My....Where does time go?

  5. The four foot and under crowd has been entertained by a large Black and Yellow Argiope (Garden) Spider. It has disappeared recently (likely it has layed its eggs and died or a bird got her) and they are all coming up with ideas as to where she has gone to. They found another web not too far away and decided she had moved.

    I have not had a grilled cheese sandwich for some time. Cheese toast is the big item around here - a British staple as I understand it.

    1. russell...we see the large garden spiders here as well but I can't recall ever seeing the silk spider. I am amazed at how strong her web is. We once had a large spider on the front porch. We named her Charlotte of course. I left her there as her web was great for catching flies and mosquitoes. She finally moved so I tore the web down so we did not look so much like a haunted house!

      We love cheese toast too. Papa Bear loves it with the cheese all puffed up and almost burnt!
