Sunday, September 23, 2012

For the first time in 4 years

I have to buy eggs.  My chickens have not laid one egg in 3 weeks now.  I know most are molting as the chicken house is loaded with feathers I have to get out.  Usually when they molt a few still lay but not this time.  I do have a few older hens but we've done pretty good at keeping new hens coming along so I don't know what is the problem.  We've had White Rocks all this time.  

I just ordered some Dominiques.  I am going to try them and phase out the White Rocks.  I was really leaning towards Rhode Island Reds but after I read that the roosters can be aggressive I decided on the Dominiques.  Nothing makes me madder than to have a rooster spur the backs of my legs.  

A long time ago we raised chickens when the kids were young. We got a free "exotic" chicken with a shipment of day old chicks.  It turned out to be an Egyptian rooster.  That was the meanest chicken I have ever dealt with.  He wouldn't stay in a pen no matter how much you trimmed a wing.  We always had to be on the lookout for that mean rooster.  It never failed if I had my back turned he was going to get me or my younger son.  We seemed to be the only two he lived to spur. I came in from work one day and saw him lying dead in the horse pen. Our mare Goldie had stomped him to death.  I guess he spurred the wrong animal that day.  That was one time I was not sorry to lose a barnyard animal!


  1. LOL Mamma Bear, I got a mare that flattens chickens too. I like my Australorps. They make a big bird for butchering, the meat is pink instead of dull yellow, they lay a large, light brown egg, take the extreme weather well and don't mind being crowded in the coop. They are also very gentle and tame down super easy. Just food for thought.

    1. Thanks MMP..I will keep that "food" for thought. I just love all of my chicken in a jar!

      I just tried to comment on your blog and Google is throwing some more of that weird word verification crap. I gave up after I didn't get it right in 3 tries but glad to hear you got your hay cut!

  2. HAHA you have no homegrown eggs for the cooking contest!!!!

    1. How do you spell that noise that one does when they stick their tongue out and blow?

  3. I believe I'd have eaten that rooster about the second time he attacked!

    1. I should have GS... He probably ended up fertilizing a tree!

  4. Boy does your rooster story bring back memories. Little kids and a mean goose, little kids and mean ducks! Thankfully we never had mean chickens or roosters.
    Thank you for those memories.
    Sorry about your rooster getting stomped.

  5. Ammie...I was not sorry he got stomped!

    Thanks for coming by!
