Monday, December 12, 2011

Better Late than Never

I tried to post this a week after Thanksgiving but blogger wouldn't cooperate so here are the pictures I wanted to share a couple of weeks ago.

It is all quiet here on the farm since the family left to return to Texas but what great fun we had while they were here.  The children really enjoyed the animals and helping grandma in the kitchen.  GD-1 celebrated her 11th birthday birthday with us.  She is turning into a beautiful young lady.

Several trips a day was made to the kidding pen to play with the babies.

Feeding the chickens

giving the turkeys a corn treat

There was fishing everyday at our pond

GD-2 says look...I caught one!

Always time for playing in the backyard. GS is having fun fun fun

Look at that face!

Grandpa had to babysit baby

so GD-2 could swing high

Waiting for a ride

Bedtime was fun...Sleeping on a blow up bed in the family room by the Christmas tree.

Then it was cookie time!  The kids decided to make gingerbread cookies.  Is there anything better than licking the spoon and bowl?

You got to really get into the bowl to get it all!

Yep...It's pretty good

It's serious work decorating those cookies!

The most fun is deciding which one to eat first.

They are all back home safe and sound.  I miss them.  Hopefully we'll all get together this coming summer.  Have a great week everyone.


  1. Thank you GS... We are truly blessed. I just wish we all lived closer to one another. These sweet visits and memories are far and few between.
